Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oh Boy Is It Hot or Is It Me?

Politics will be heating up very soon in Hot Springs especially in the Garland County Democratic Central Committee. Elections are coming up and our 'fearless' leader George Hozendorf as I understand, wants to run again. Considering the beating the local Democrats took in the November 2 election, I would think his best move would be to move to Alaska (I say that because they obviously tolerate anything or anyone).

The scuttlebutt is a lot of us want him out. A lot of us want to return to the Democratic values that define us as Democrats. When the one 'Democrat' that won sells himself as having voted against everything President Obama pushed through this convoluted, discombobulated, backstabbing, heel dragging Congress, it makes you wonder why he even casts himself as a Democrat. I was on a call-in talk show and someone asked Ross why he didn't run as a Republican. He said it was because he was a "Blue Dog" Democrat. Well, Mr. Ross, it looks like your little tea party is over. You Blue Dogs got trounced. Don't you think that the days of calling yourself one thing while practicing another are over?

The Republicans ran a strong Republican against Lincoln and she lost. They worked really hard to get her a win in the primary because they knew she was an easy candidate to beat. Bill Halter would have eaten John Boozman's lunch with the people of Arkansas. He's everything that we look for in a candidate; honest, hardworking, straight-shooting, roll-up-your-sleeves and dig in with the guy on the street kind of solid American. His goal has been and always will be to help Arkansans dig their way out of the miasma of poverty and social prejudice.

Now that the Republicans got their wish and have control of the House, we will see an all out attack on the social services that keep Arkansas families afloat. Medicaid and ARKids will become harder and harder to fund. Social Security and Medicare will struggle to keep the little benefits and payments to those receiving them. It won't matter that those services were over-funded by the Baby-boomers and the funds stripped by Congress to make it look like the deficit wasn't as bad as it was. The IOU left in its place is coming do so the next best thing is to shut it down completely or by privatizing and linking it to Wall Street which in essence is the same thing.

"Obamacare" will not be safe because the assault is already in the implementation stages. When they finally overturn Health Care Reform anyone with a pre-existing disease can be refused insurance again, anyone without insurance can be refused care at any hospital or medical facility, and anyone that thinks that their health insurance rates went up because of the Health Care Reform package passed and signed into law by President Obama, will find that their premiums are still going to go up because the cap that the Health Care Reform bill put in place will no longer apply. Being poor and working at a minimum wage job where you are dependent on social services to care for your children will find all of that gone. Companies like WalMart will either have to start covering all employees with health insurance or people will just die from lack of medical care.

The rich wanted their tax cuts made permanent and the people believed them. They believed it was to keep and make jobs. Small businesses making under $250 million a year usually don't hire people. They are hedgefund operators, lawyers, CPAs or other one owner businesses. Guess what? The rich don't buy from WalMart or KMart or Target. So those jobs will disappear as people are no longer able to afford even the 'stuff' made in China. The rich like paying less than the average American in taxes because it gives them more free time and money to enjoy their island resorts and private cruises. If you want a job they will always need gardeners, maids, servants, chauffeurs and nannies. College education will be available only to those whose families can afford the high cost of tuition. It will be another form of indentureship when the college graduate is forced to work for any company that gives him enough money to pay back all the loans his parents couldn't cover.

Welcome to the new America. If you don't like this scenario then I suggest you get active and start going to the streets and letting your representatives know how you feel about this country. It is ours not a corporation's. We don't have much time left. 2012 is just around the corner and the big boys that didn't play in this election are already gearing up to buy the next one. As long as we have the right to demand redress against our government we better take advantage of it. It may be the next liberty taken away.

1 comment:

  1. Folks might want to be careful, I heard Hozendorf was training folks to run for office in that Central Committee. Real yuckers.

