Saturday, December 25, 2010

District 24 Election March 8, 2011

It has been established that Bruce Cozart will be running against Jerry Rephan in our search for a state representative in District 24. He was selected by the Republican party of Garland County as reported in the Sentinel- Record. Write-in candidates have until noon January 7, 2011 to apply.
A drawing for ballot position will be held on or before January 14, 2011.

Now that that has been established, there seems to be more creditability being given this blog than just its name would suspect. I don't know who thinks I have the power to influence anybody in Hot Springs by what I say or don't say especially here. This blog is my opinion and as such it is open to criticism and conjecture just as any blog of its nature would be. If I have any influence at all it hopefully is that we live in a free country where the freedom of speech still exists. As long as I don't attack verbally or denigrate anyone in this blog I'm pretty well free to say whatever it is I think. Unlike the people that respond to this blog, they may or may not have the same high standards. I cannot account for the heat I've generated towards myself and others that comment here. I don't apologize either for myself or anyone else. That is their problem not mine.

I am and always will be a liberal, fiscally conservative Democrat who just happens to live in the South where that means nothing because Democrat is now another word for "Republican in Democratic clothing".

The Tea Party has taken over the Republican Party here as they have elsewhere in the country because people are afraid to hold accountable those in control of the nation's purse strings. It is easier to attack the messenger than it is to look to the cause and trying to rectify the situation through direct participation or simply calling their duly elected representatives and complaining to them for allowing the travesty that has occurred here.

Government cannot and never will be able to run on credit. We are trying and so far we're trillions in debt to every country with more fiscally responsible people running them than we have in Washington. The Tea Party wants to cut taxes, reduce government but for whom? When the jobs are sent over seas because people will work for less than an American, is it because we have a higher standard of living and can't work for slave wages while still protecting the environment and our own safety? Not according to the companies that have moved the jobs to China, Bangladesh or India just to name a few. We're too lazy and want too much for the time we spend at work. We want too much when we ask to have a reasonable work week (it used to be 40 hours), a reasonable and secure retirement and a decent education for our children. Forget health care, that's for those that can afford the high premiums charged by the insurance companies that add nothing of value to the system.
When the rubber meets the road (a euphemism that is becoming more commonplace everyday) we will have to pay the piper. Our credit limit is about at its limit. In some countries now, they will not take American dollars. Who will bail us out when the profiteers have taken all that we have to offer and then some?

People will always have 'crap' happen and the government has up until now provided a safety net to catch those from being bankrupted by conditions beyond their control. If this is a 'welfare' state than so be it. Bailing Wall Street out was WELFARE at the corporate level. Why isn't the Tea Party as up in arms over that as they are over little Johnny getting a 'free' breakfast at school?

For example, destroying the environment to produce profits for companies that want to produce natural gas at any cost is not going to make living here better and certainly will make parts of this country uninhabitable. Who will pay for that remediation? Three (3) guesses and two (2) don't count.

Pick your fights but I'm really tired of those who can't fight back due to time restraints (job) or financial insolvency being the 'bad' guys.

Like I said pick your fights but don't pick on the victims. It pisses me off.

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