Monday, June 6, 2011

Andi Davis vs the Judge

Attorney Andi Davis was required to appear in front of Judge Marcia Hearnsberger today at 10am to show cause. I went as a friend of the 'accused' and to see what actually occurs between the 'defendant' and the 'law'.
The animosity wreaked from the judge towards Andi. Every statement was ignored and the judge demanded that Andi agree that taking an emergency decree to another judge was intentionally designed to get Judge Hearnsberger from denying the decree (my opinion). Judge Cook signed the emergency order when Andi's clerk had determined that Judge Hearnsberger was not available to do so.
I would hate to be a defendant in Judge Hearnsberger's court if the judge had such a dislike for my representative. It's politics is local again. Andi's a good Democrat and from her affiliations and places that she associates, I conclude that Judge Hearnsberger is a devout Republican.
I believe the point of the whole procedure was to make Andi look incompetent and the judge all powerful. It was like watching a stern parent tell the child 'you were wrong'. The child is left with no recourse but to agree in order to get the parent off his/her back. Definitely below the standard that I would expect from the judiciary.

