Monday, January 21, 2013

Politicking ala Hot Springs

I put out there on the web that I needed people to join me to campaign against assault rifles and large magazines.We have had too many people die needlessly from these types of guns. The toll is at over 1000 since Newtown, Connecticut. 
Barbara Butler was the only one to join me January 17, 2013. We did get a response from a 'guy' that thought we were a couple of nuts who didn't know what we were talking about because I put on my poster >>>CLIPS
He said clips did not fit in assault rifles. I explained 'magazines' didn't fit on my sign but I was sure everyone would know what I was talking about particularly since the people in Congress used the two names interchangeably.
Saturday, January 19, she and I joined Planned Parenthood on the steps of the Capitol in Little Rock for a rally there  St. Senator Joyce Elliot and Dr. Jocelyn Elders (former Surgeon General) were guest speakers. If you ever get a chance to meet Dr. Elders I recommend you do so. She is an honor to our sex and a wonderful humanist.
I will be having more gun rallies if anyone would like to join me. I usually will have them at Reserve and Central in downtown Hot Springs. The time will probably be Wednesday at 12 noon. If I get enough interest the time can be adjusted to meet the needs and desires of those wishing to join me.
Here is my latest submission to the Sentinel Record for those that may not get the paper. This is by no means a proof of publishing. Submitted 1-21-2013:

With the passage of time it has become more apparent than ever that the corporate agenda for America is its Africanization of resources and its population. Corporations are not held liable for environmental damages they incur through their business practices of raping and pillaging to get to our resources. Mountain top removal is the most ambitious and destructive of these practices. 
The processing of tar sands in Canada shows that the practice has moved beyond our borders to Canada where the indigenous people's lands are systematically being stripped and ravaged at no little cost to the environment. Illness and health issues that they had never experienced before have become the norm.  As these caustic oils are removed from the ground, we are being used as the pipeline to move these tar sand oils across our 'bread basket' of the plains states to the refineries on the Gulf Coast. The fact that the shortest pipeline already completed through Michigan had ruptured and contaminated the water supply there is not to be concerned with. It won't happen with the pipeline being built now, because We have rules and laws to prevent that from happening.
We have fracking across the US that has proven to be so destructive that Europe has banned the practice. Water supplies are being contaminated, people and animals are dying. Yet the practice goes on. We are told it's for our use to make us less dependent on foreign oil and yet these petroleum products are being exported to Europe and China. The coal fields of the Dakotas and Montana need a railroad to the west coast to ship OUR coal to China.
The broader issue is not so much that the Keystone pipeline, coal mining and mountain top removal are dangerous and hazardous at best, it's what it means to us, the people of the United States. The wealth being 'taken' is not being shared with the people most impacted by the destruction of these areas. We are now becoming just another inconvenience to the taking of our natural resources from the earth that we are told is public property. Our representatives in Washington take money for their election coffers from these companies and then write legislation that makes it easier and less painful to extract this wealth.
For the truth about the consequences of environmental disasters, check out how much Exxon has paid out for the Valdez incident. Look at BP's compliance with environmental law and how much they have compensated the residents of the Gulf Coast. 
Wages have been flat ever since the mid 1970's. This has been planned and when states like Michigan and Wisconsin enact 'right to work' legislation those wages will go even lower while the corporations make off with the spoils. This is 'Africanization'. The people work and receive a pittance while the rich get richer at our expense. If there is an environmental disaster, OUR government will step in and with OUR tax dollars, clean the mess up.
In Africa, it was called 'colonialization', what will we call it here but the Africanization' of the United States.

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