Monday, March 11, 2013

Still Fighting the Good Fight

My latest letter to the editor of the Sentinel Record follows:

Dear Editor,
President Obama signed into law the reinstatement of the Violence Against Women Act. This was a landmark act considering that it was up for renewal last Fall. It took this long to get reinstated due to the efforts of the Republicans in the House trying to remove the changes made to the original document to correct those women denied protection under the original bill.
We elect the people to represent us that are supposedly of higher moral character and who will best represent us in Washington. Unfortunately, that isn't true for the residents of Arkansas. We have some people that still believe there should be 2 sets of laws protecting our citizenry, those that meet their views of what is proper and good and those that need to be castigated and relegated to the sidelines to be treated as worthless or 2nd class citizens. Our representatives from the Republican party supported that view by voting against VAWA, Representative Tom Cotton from District 4 and Senator John Boozman. Instead of doing the 'right' and noble thing by voting for the protection of ALL women, they chose to take the low side of the debate and voted to deny every woman protection under the law. For whatever their personal reasons, they have no business representing anyone in Washington. They have already proven they only want to represent those that share their prejudices and animosity. Our country is moving forward into the 21st century and we don't need 18th century representation.
I hope that every woman that was ever hit, beat, raped or molested at any time in their life will consider that when they go to the polls in 2014. We need people of moral character and high ethics to represent us, not some backward misogynist trying to reverse the clock and move women back into male domination and servility.

I don't know if it was published, I rather doubt it since I 'disrespected' the citizens of Arkansas and the idiots they elected to office in the 4th District. I call every day to Washington to remind them that some of us really do care when they vote against our best interests such as Social Security and Medicaid. As many people that live here that are dependent on these programs you would believe they would be strong advocates for their protection. NOT!

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