Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Letter to the editor October 2, 2013

The Republican Congress decided that their agenda trumped the needs of all Americans. Voices from the far right are poopooing shutting down the government as no big deal. No one will be hurt too much especially since its just non-essential agencies that are being closed or furloughed.
I talked to tourists on the streets here visiting OUR national park. Their response was one of disbelief while making arrangements to cut their visit short. All the shops on Central have and will continue to be negatively impacted by the closing of our park. To Congressmen Cotton, Boehner et al- no problem.
Medical research, especially in the area of experimental cancer treatment where the patients are all at stage 4, have been shut down. I don't know about how you make something like bread, but how do you put something to 'cook' and then make it stop until you decide to continue baking?
These people will die but according to the Republicans, no big deal.
First Step will close or reduce services for children at risk because under the sequestration bill their funds were already cut drastically. WIC has been defunded. No big deal, the churches will pick up the slack and help all the children get to classes or find food like infant formula.
The Republicans say President Obama won't negotiate. My memory is obviously better than theirs because I remember him negotiating away everything and they still weren't happy back when he first came into office and the debt ceiling came up. Our government was funded day to day and our international credit rating went down for the first time in our history. Everything has to be their way or the highway. Who died and made them GOD? ACA is the law of the land as is Social Security and Medicare but does that stop these greedy miscreants from wanting to stop or remove these public services that are the safety nets that keep people from being homeless and sick? No. That money should go to the top 1% who work so hard managing their hedge funds and offshore accounts. Their money will 'trickle down' eventually so let them manage our safety net services.
The EPA and the FDA have both been shut down. That means the meat you eat will no longer be inspected before being delivered to the supermarkets. Salmonella or e.coli will become the next 'no big deal'.
If the government shut down they just orchestrated is any indication of what the Republicans REALLY think of the general public we better just lay down and die after we give them, FOR FREE, all our hard earned labor. We are less to them than the garbage they discard from their dinner tables. In fact, I don't think they want anyone to even get their scraps.
Someone made a comment on Channel 7 last night that this shut down would be good for the general public because it would show them they don't need all these government agencies. I wonder about people who think like this because if they vote they must use the size of the ad to decide who will get their approval at the polls. They certainly have no idea what it is the government does day to day.

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