Monday, July 19, 2010

Democratic Party of Arkansas State Convention

The convention was convened shortly after 10:30am with all delegates being recognized by county. Governor Beebe addressed the attendees as well as Senator Blanche Lincoln, Senator Mark Pryor, Rep. Mike Ross (Dist. 4) and the candidates running for the open districts. After the general meeting and discussion, Garland County delegation elected their representatives to the State Central Committee in Little Rock. They are:

Katie Gibson
Norma Newman
Peggy Yeric
Jackie Davis
Jerry Yeric
Gene Shelby

Congratulations to all of you, you represent the most committed of all of us to the Democratic Party of Arkansas.

The platform was approved with the addition of the implementation of the ratification of the ERA. I hope it finally happens. Being told I am a citizen with full rights is not the same as having them defined by the Constitution which has traditionally only recognized men. And no, I won't share a toilet with men (oops, I forgot Exxon stations), and no, I won't have to serve in the military at the front in case of a war (oops again, we have women fighting in the front lines in Afghanistan and Iraq). Well, there goes the argument against the approval of the ERA. At least those were the most stressed reasons to oppose the ratification.


  1. What happened to the John Martineau guy in your previous post? Wasn't he running?

  2. Oh...and congratulations to those six elected folks! Someone needs to toot their horn and I'm glad you did!

