Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Progressives and Fighting Back

It is heartwarming to read someone else 'get it'. The following article should give everyone that believes we're under attack by the right wing nuts should understand and approve of the following article:


If that doesn't drive you off the couch, nothing will.

With the release of the papers on Afghanistan and Iraq in Wikileaks to the public, it should help cement the knowledge that we need to quit waiting for the elections to do our civic duty. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Constant vigilance is the only way we will ever retain our country.

Right now its controlled by corporations as a totalitarian government in which we are the suppliers of the funds to wars we cannot win and lifestyles we can only watch on HGtv. Taking Social Security to fund wars because they are too expensive to fund with just taxes is criminal and larcenous. Saying that Social Security is broke is like saying Fort Knox is a myth. Social Security was funded by the largest working group of people in the history of the US; the Baby Boomers. They paid more money into Social Security than was being utilized by the retirees on SS. That was the money that built the Middle Class. Congress had never seen so much money just sitting there waiting for the Baby Boomers to retire. Congress took it and paid down the national debt and left IOUs in its place. Now the debt is so huge, Social Security taxes can't make a dent in it so they are going after pension funds next. If your fund is in stock, have a happy life living under a bridge or with your kids, if they will let you.

Anyone that supports the Republican agenda better not be relying on Social Security to get them through to the end. The Democrats are as big a part of this scam as the Right Wing. They know what side their bread is buttered on. The war machine needs money, lots of money. They are taking it away from the old, the indigent, the disabled and the infrastructure of the united States. The dam that broke in Iowa was just a shot across the bow.


  1. And so, all total $59 Billion just got approved for emergency funding of the Afgan war by our House.

    With that said, the Republicans are worried about the deficit and all but 12 Democrats opposed? What planet are they from when they stall unemployment for months?

  2. Your link has nothing to do with what you've written. Get it together, Judy.

  3. Gosh Mr. Thar, you are such an illiterate sissy. Read her first paragraph and then read the article she linked. Wait a minute, can you read? Or, do you just take instruction from Hozendorf? Wait a minute...perhaps you ARE Hozendorf @"Get it together"? Or you could be Hozendorf's "mini-me"! LMAOAY!

