Monday, July 12, 2010

Democratic State Convention Update

The GCDCC will have a meeting tomorrow at 5pm at the Democratic headquarters, 608 grand Ave. at 5 pm. All delegates to the state convention Saturday in Little Rock are expected to attend. A little side note is that George Hozendorf claims to have been appointed to the Credentials committee and is expecting to get elected to the DPA in Little Rock.
Herewith his solicitation:
I hope everyone is as excited as I am about the State Convention and all the activities this coming weekend. Don't forget we're having an organizational meeting at 5PM tomorrow night at headquarters.

As you know at noon on Saturday, we will be electing our delegates to the DPA Executive Committee for 2 year terms. It would be my privilege and honor to serve Democrats of Garland County on the Executive Committee.

Recently Chairman Turner appointed me to the Credentials Committee for the DPA. Being on the Executive Committee would enhance this assignment and give Garland County a larger voice at the state level. As many of you know, in the past I've made comments regarding the length of the application a County Committee member has to complete. Getting this shortened and less redundant will certainly be high on my list of goals as your representative on the Executive Committee as well as the Credentials Committee.

Your vote and support will be deeply appreciated,

I don't know of anyone that would vote for him considering the number of complaints filed against him and Ginna Watson's lawsuit still hanging around but then politics makes strange bedfellows.
Those of us that have filed complaints will be getting in touch with Chairman Turner to find out if this appointment came before or after he received the letters of complaint.
More will be added as the story unfolds. Stay tuned.


  1. "(c) The Arrangements Committee shall appoint from the delegates and alternate delegates the Credentials, the Rules, and the Platform and Resolutions Committees, consisting of at least eighteen (18) members each, one of whom shall be Chair thereof.

    1. The committee of Credentials shall prepare a list of delegates entitled to participate in the preliminary organization of the State Convention, according to the certificates from the several County Conventions forwarded to the Secretary of the Party. The Credentials Committee shall not include in its list of prepared delegates any delegate who was not properly chosen. "

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? No wonder we have the U.S. Senator and Congressman that we have. Any questions about who is in control? Any questions about your leadership? Preplanned and preordained destiny for the ADP? You know the saying that "a house divided cannot stand"? Looks like this house is sorely tilted.

  2. Ooops...the quote is from the ADP website.

