Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In Response to BenThar and Pink Puppy Political Watchdog

I guess BenThar is a member of the Executive Committee since what he/she stated was not a part of the general meeting. As far as 'threats' go, do phone calls telling the person to 'back off' count? The DOJ frowns upon such practices as far as I know. When someone is restricted from expressing their opinion in a democratic meeting attended by "Democrats" there is something wrong and it smells to high heaven.

Maybe one of these days when the Republicans have gained full control of the country by fraud and deceit with the Democrats blessing by just idly sitting by and watching out of fear of being "unChristian", maybe they will wake up and realize what it was they gave up.

The "Party of No" is gearing up to win in November by denying jobs, unemployment compensation and filibustering every bill the Democratic majority has tried to pass. The economic failure will fall on the party in power (they hope). It will probably work because the Democrats like the GCDCC, are sitting on their hands and letting them. Putting Democrats back in office because they call themselves such even when they side with the Republicans is not good politics, its betrayal. If we can't hold our candidates accountable to the Democratic philosophy how can we expect people to support us when we are in power? We look like a duck, we walk like a duck, so we must be a duck. For too long we've been turning into "them" and its believed we can't win in Arkansas unless we do. My question is "WHAT?"


  1. Gee, Ben Thar,best buddies with Hozendorf?,appears to have insider information to the attempted manipulations of the voting in Garland County. Seems that there is some type of secretive "in the know" collusion taking place within the Executive Committee that only a few are made aware. How they do manipulate the sheep here in Garland County...it is past time for the GCDCC Executive Committee to actually take an honest stand and ask the collaborators to step down. It is amazing that Thar and what seems to be some others that may be on the Executive Committee don't realize that the Election Commission is not supposed to be coerced nor manipulated by any political party...voting is a freedom that doesn't need Good Ole' Boy politics twisting and turning to the needs of the politico few. It is good that the Ms. Watson does not appear to be a puppet to ole' Hozendorf and whomever else chooses to attempt their machinations. It is appears that the reputations of those good and decent real Democrats running for election are tarnished by the actions of a few in control. How sad that it is a discredit to Democracy in Garland County when back door deals and threats overshadow elections. The soil of dirty politics of a few is splattering off on the Election Commission that is doing everything it can to hold fair and legal elections. Mayhaps we should start a collection to buy some disinfectant to use every time Hozendorf and his gang throw mud at them!

  2. As a citizen of Garland County, I don't appreciate being called a sheep. Since whoever PinkPuppyPoliticalWatchDog is and Ladd are so concerned about the possibility of losing to the 'Party of No' it just might behoove them and their few followers to get out and campaigh for Democrats instead of sitting on their asses complaining.

  3. Alas, if only a real Democrat were running for Senate or Congress...give us a real Democrat that supports our President and gladly we would campaign...

